My Story

Where the fuck to even start.

I began my journey in the wellness world 10 Years and nearly 100 pounds a go.

My being awesome and also being 100 pounds heavier…

I was 25 years old, I was a heavy drinker, smoker, and all around good time, but I knew this way of doing things wasn’t sustainable. I wanted to change but had no clue how. So I did what any rational human would do. I googled it.

I was bombarded by health information, so I went with a classic, sugar free. I was sugar free for 30 days and lost weight. Then I started strength training, and I lost more weight. Then I started low carb and lost more weight. Then I did CrossFit

Long story short I tried pretty much every health craze you could think of all in search of losing that belly fat.

Then I got here.

Thin and miserable; afraid of eating out and all fats


I had gone too far. My anxiety was at an all time high, my sex drive was at an all time low, and I missed my period due to not eating enough calories for my body to feel safe reproducing.


I had developed full on orthorexia and was used to a certain level of torture and deprivation when it came to food. There was nothing nourishing about my diet only trying to eat as little as possible to remain small

I realized quickly being thin doesn’t mean being healthy just because I look good in a bikini doesn’t mean I feel good. So I enrolled in a rigorous one year nutrition coaching program and changed everything.

me with a little more fat and a lot more happy (the one on the right is my sister, we look a like so I thought I should say)

Now, I am happy, strong, and a little squishy. I have collected so many tools when it comes to well-being and I hope to share them with as many humans as I can.